20 Earth Day Visuals and Activities
Every year, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd to demonstrate support for enviormental protection. Check out these visuals and activities to use this Earth Day!
1. Make a book about Earth Day.
2. Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt. How many things can you find?
3. Play Earth Day Bingo
4. Start a composting bin for a class garden.
5. Earth Day Coloring Sheets
6. Go on a nature walk. Record things you see, hear, and smell along the walk. Collect items along the walk.
7. Make binoculars to look around on your nature walk.
8. Use items from your nature walk to create a self-portrait.
9. Collect trash on a Nature Walk
10.Recycle. Discuss ways you can recycle old materials.
11. Sort items to be recycled or composted.
12. Use old trash to construct sculptures or models.
13. Drinking water is important. But all the water bottles have an impact on the environment. Design ways to reuse old water bottles.
14. Make a bird feeder from toilet paper tubes, peanut butter, skewer, and bird seed.
15. Make a class mural about our planet Earth
16. Collect plastic bags and other recyclable materials.
17. Sort items to be recycled
18. Learn where our trash goes.
19. Plant new plants in recycled cups or bottles. Start a class garden.
20. Make signs to display that April 22nd is Earth Day and how we can help keep our planet beautiful and healthy.
Have fun learning and celebrating our planet Earth together!