Articles > Seasons and Holidays

Valentine's Day

February 14th celebrates the feast of St. Valentine. It began as a feast day for early Christians, and by the 15th century it evolved into an occasion to express love. Valentine's Day today is the second most celebrated holiday around the world. Symbols related to Valentine's Day include hearts, cards, flowers, candies, cupid, and doves.

Within the education setting, holiday themes such as Valentine's Day can be used to help motivate young learners in specific learning activities. Here are some Valentine's Day activities for early childhood or students with special needs. 


Alphabet and Reading

Look for Valentine-themed activities that teach alphabet knowledge and early reading skills







Here are articles with many ready-to-print activities and ideas about stories of love and friendship. 

The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose Story: Create learning games, sequence cards, and other activities based on this fun story. 


I Love You Blue Kangaroo by Emma Chichester Clark

Nobody Hugs a Cactus by Carter Goodrich

Try a Little Kindness by Henry Cole



Valentine Writing





Early Math and Science






Motor and Sensory




For more Valentines ideas, check out our Pinterest site, under spring ideas. (Yes, we know Valentines is in the winter, but it becomes lost in the snow and Christmas. It is almost in the spring... if the Groundhog says so!)

Have fun playing and learning together!