Articles > Custom Materials

Weekly Tracking Chart


This material consists of a grid with the days of the week along the top and 1 to 8 pictures down the side. This works well for behavior charts, checklists, and tracking data.



This weekly tracking works well as a behavior report to parents, behavior modification system, or behavior data collection form. I select pictures of the priority events of our day or target times of day to focus on behavior. For example, if a student has difficulty with unstructured times such as PE, Recess, and Lunch, those may be the only three items I choose to start.

Once the target times or places are selected, I can then mark when the student shows appropriate behavior. It can be marked with a pen, colored markers, stickers, stamps, or bingo markers. 

If this chart is used as a behavior modification plan, I can develop an agreement with the student to earn a reward. For example, I may say 3 stamps in a day earns a reward, or 10 stamps in a week earns the treasure box.



This material is a great for keeping track of classroom information. For example, I may need to track which days which students go to which centers.

This is another great idea from one of  our users. Thank You!! Keep the suggestions coming - as we work to develop a great resource.

Here is a Free Sample of a morning routine.


Create this yourself now!

1: Drag some pictures to the Tray

2: Click "Create Materials"

3: Choose "Weekly Tracking Chart" and follow the wizard!

  Try It Now!