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Bingo Games

Bingo is a fun game for all ages to enjoy. Teachers and therapists frequently use bingo cards in their practice to teach concepts, vocabulary, and speech development. There are many Commercial bingo products such as Color and Shape Bingo,Multiplication Bingo, or Rhyming Bingo.

Teachers and therapists can also make their own bingo cards to meet the needs of their students and lesson plans. They may want to create a bingo card based on the letter of the week (B words), a lesson theme (such as community helpers or holidays), or a focus on a specific speech sound (such as ending /t/ sounds).

Bingo is often played in small group with about 3-8 children. The teacher can focus on the learning objective while the children have fun trying to make Bingo.


Video: Making Body Parts Bingo to print and for use in PowerPoint for Remote Learning






How to Play:

First decide and announce what makes a "bingo". To call "Bingo!", players may have a row or diagonal lines, With smaller 3 x 3 cards or younger children, they may need to fill the entire card to call bingo. . 

With a group of children, give every child one bingo card. The teacher or "caller" uses pull cards in a bag, box, or a hat to pull out a picture card one at a time and show to the group. The children scan their card and look for the matching picture. If they have the same picture, a token is placed on top of the picture. The caller continues to pull cards until a player calls "Bingo!"


Examples of Bingo Games from the Sharing Center




There are many ways to use bingo for learning experiences.

Free Sample of Sight Word Bingo:

Free Sample of Summer Bingo


Make Bingo Cards Now!

 Started With LessonPix

This video will show you how easy it is to make Bingo Cards with LessonPix.

Have fun learning through play!