Nap/ Rest Time

This material, titled 'Nap/ Rest Time' social scripts.

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kitsie kennard
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Nap/ Rest Time "It's nap time." "It's time to rest." "I want my pillow please." "I go to sleep." "I am sleepy." "My eyes are closed." "I am tired." "Close your eyes to rest." "Close your eyes to nap." "I yawn if I am tired." "I need to be quiet." "Please be quiet." "I want my animal." "I want my teddy bear." "I hug my animal." "I hug my teddy bear." "My teddy bear is tired." "I keep my hands to myself." "I do not yell at nap." "I do not shout at nap." "I do not kick at nap."