Playing Store

This material, titled 'Playing Store' social script

kitsie kennard
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Playing Store "Let's go shopping." "Let's go to the grocery store." "We are in an aisle." "What aisle is it in?" "Let's go to the bakery." "Let's go to the video store." "I want a video.." "Let's go to the mall." "I have groceries." "I went shopping." "I have a shopping cart." "I am the cashier." "The cashier is helping." "I have my list." "I am shopping." "Paper bag please." "Plastic bag please." "I have my own bag." "Let's go to the pet shop." "I want a fish please." "I want a bird please." "I want a cat please." "I want a dog please." "I want a guinea pig please." "I want a hamster please." "I want a mouse please." "I want a rabbit please." "I want a snake please." "I want a turtle please." "I want some vegetables please." "I need some vegetables." "I want carrots please." "I need carrots ." "I want cauliflower please." "I need cauliflower ." "I want celery please." "I need celery ." I need celery." "I want the red chili pepper please." I need red chili pepper." "I want the yellow chili pepper please." I need yellow chili pepper." "I want the green chili pepper please." I need green chili pepper." "I want the corn please." "I need corn." "I want the cucumber please." "I need cucumbers." "I want the lettuce please." "I need lettuce." "I want the mushrooms please." "I need mushrooms." "I want the onion please." "I need an onion." "I need onions." "I want the green pepper please." "I need the green pepper." "I want the red pepper please." "I need the red pepper." "I want the yellow pepper please." "I need the yellow pepper." "I want the potato please." "I need potatos." "I want the radish please." "I need the radish." "I want the spinach please." "I need the spinach." "I want the zuchini please." "I need zuchini." "I need yams." "I want the yam please." "Which shelf is it on?" "Where is the fruit?" "I want some fruit please." "I want the red apple please." "I need the red apple." "I want the green apple please." "I need the green apple." "I want the yellow apple please." "I need the yellow apple." "I want apples please." "I need apples." "I want applesauce please." "I need applesauce ." "I want a banana please." "I need bananas." "I want berries please." "I need berries." "I want blackberries please." "I need blackberries." "I want blueberries please." "I need blueberries." "I want a cantaloupe please." "I need a cantaloupe." "I want cherries please." "I need cherries." "I want grapes please." "I need grapes." "I want grapefruit please." "I need grapefruit." "I want honeydew please." "I need honeydew." "I want a kiwi please." "I need a kiwi." "I want a lemon please." "I need a lemon." "I want a lime please." "I need a lime." "I want the orange please." "I need an orange." "I want a peach please." "I need a peach ." "I want a pear please." "I need a pear." "I want a pineapple please." "I need a pineapple." "I want plums please." "I need plums" "I want a pumpkin please." "I need a pumpkin." "I want rasberries please." "I need rasberries." "I want strawberries please." "I need strawberries." "I want a tomato please." "I need a tomato." "I want a watermelon please." "I need a watermelon." "I need some dairy products." "Where is the dairy products?" "I want butter please." "I need butter." "I want cheese please." "I need cheese." "I want choclate milk please." "I need choclate milk." "I want ice cream please." "I need ice cream." "I want milk please." "I need milk." "I need pudding." "I need yogurt." "I need whip cream." "I need string cheese." "I need cream cheese." "I need bread." I need bagels." "I need cereal." "I need cupcakes." "I need a cinnamon roll." "I need a cupcake." "I need a donut." "I need rolls." "I need chips." "I need cookies." "I need a brownie. " "I need chocolate." "I need a lollipop." "I need pretzels." "I need tortilla chips." "I need salami." "I need bacon." "I need burritos." "I need beef." "I need chicken." "I need chicken nuggets." "I need corndogs." "I need Fish "I need ham." "I need a hamburger." "I need a hot dog." "I need meatloaf." "I need sausage." "I need steak." "I need taco." "I need turkey." "I need pop." "I need water." "I need lemonade." "I need coffee." "I need orange juice." "I need juice." "I need grape juice." "I need apple juice." "I wrote my list." "I checked it off my list." "Here is my money." "I have my change." "It is in my purse." "It is in my wallet."