Using the bathroom

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kitsie kennard
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Using the Bathroom "I use the toilet." "I need to pee." "I need to poop." 'I need to use the potty." "I need to go to the bathroom." "I pull my pants down." "I sit on the toilet." "I pee in the toilet." "I wipe with toilet paper." "I wipe my bottom." "I wipe my butt." "I stand up." "I pull my pants up." "I flush the toilet." "I wash my hands in the sink." "I turn on the sink." "I put soap on my hands." "I rub the soap around." "I rinse the soap off." "I turn off the sink." "I dry my hands." "I use paper towels to dry." "I throw away the towels." "I am all done." "I did it!" "Yay I did it!"