
Schedule for student performing internship in cafeteria

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RS-Debbie Schwind
Picture Schedule
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

schedule mask is on. Say hello to co-workers. WASH HANDS. Put uniform on. Clean counter. Make lunch bags. Break and snack. Take a walk. Make breakfast bags. Put uniform away. Think about your day. Say bye to your co-workers.. Spread sunshine. I cannot wear bracelets or rings so I do not share germs. I have to wear sneakers. I will need a bag. I put a napkin in it. I put a straw in it. I put a spoon in it. I put a fork in it. Sometimes I put ketchup in it. Sometimes I put mustard in it. Then I put them in the lunch bags. I put milk in the bag. Sometimes I put an apple in it. Sometimes I put cereal in it. Get Snack Sometimes I put a fruit cup in it. Sometimes I put string cheese in it. Sometimes I put a granola bar in it. Sometimes I put a breakfast bar in it. I put a sticker label on it to close it.