Cafeteria Helper

Social narrative about working in the cafeteria and job tasks

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RS-Debbie Schwind
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Cafeteria Helper You are working hard in the cafeteria. You are doing a great job! More children will be coming to school. You will have to look around the cafeteria tables and look for children raising their hands. When they raise their hand they may have a question for you. You can say "How can I help you?" They may need a new straw. They may need some ketchup. They may need you to open the ketchup. They may need you to open the mustard. They may need help opening their milk. You can use scissors to open packets. You can open granola bar bags with scissors. You can open ice cream bags with scissors. After you use the scissors you need to clean them. They may ask if they can go to the bathroom. You will need to get Miss Diane. Tell her "They want to go to the bathroom." When the student is finished eating Clean the table. Spray 5 times. Count 1 2 3 4 5. Then wipe the table. Count 1 It will get busier. You are a good worker. When you finish you can ask "What can I do next?" We are so proud of you! Thank you for doing such a great job and helping us so much! You are amazing!