I Use The Toilet

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Linda Elian
Visual Schedules
Picture Schedule
Early Childhood, Primary

I Use The Toilet go to the bathroom Pants Down Sit and wait. Pee. Or Poop Get paper. Wipe clean. Pants Up Flush the toilet. WASH HANDS. Yay! I did it! Need toilet to pee or poop Walk to Bathroom Pants down. Undies down Sit on toilet. Wait. Yay! I went pee or poop Pee and poop go in the toilet Poop is stinky and dirty if in our diaper or bed. Get some toilet paper. Wipe until I am clean. Undies up. Pants up My mom likes it when I use the toilet to poop and pee. If+it_s+clean_+I+will+put+the+pull-up+away+and+put+my+clothes+on.++If+it_s+dirty... I+will+try+to+poop+for+10+minutes.++If+I+can+not+poop+this+time_+I+will+try+again+later. bottoms down Pee. Poop bottoms up