Manners & Greetings

This material, titled 'Manners & Greetings' is specifically to teach and learn sight words that have to do with manners and greetings.

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Jennifer Sawa
Social Skills
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Manners & Greetings please thank you hi bye see you later Can I _____ Can I have a hug? May I have a drink? all done breathe Calm Down Clean Up! Look at me please. Do your work! friends Gentle touch please. Give me the _____ good job Go to table Great hands behind your back hands to self How are you? Hug please. Look at teacher Nice Hands no thank you Please Tie My Shoe May I have that please? Quiet Mouth raise hand Sit on the carpet Sit at Desk No standing on tables. Use your words. Get under desk. It's too loud I need to Wait What is your name_