Three Bears

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Myshira Hart
Matching Books
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

three bears Untitled Matching Book The Three Bears A bear family lived in a house in the woods. One day they cooked breakfast and decided to go out for a walk while their food cooled. Along came a little girl named Goldilocks. She saw the house and opened the door. She saw a big chair. It was too big for her. Then she saw a medium sized chair. It was still too big. Then she saw a little chair and sat down in it. On a table she saw a big bowl of oatmeal. It was so big. Then she saw a medium sized bowl. And finally she saw a little bowl. It was just the right size. She at all of the oatmeal in it. After she ate she was sleepy. She found a big bed. It was too big. Then she found a medium sized bed. But it was still too big. finally she found a little bed and went to sleep in it. The bear family came home. First Papa Bear walked into the house. Then Mama Bear walked into the house. Then baby bear walked into the house. Goldilocks heard them and woke up. She was so surprised she jumped out of bed and ran out of house. The end.