Discussion Questions for the book, Romeo Riley

Discussion Questions to use with the book, "Romeo Riley, The Boy Who Saw Too Much" by April M. Whitt

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Lori Binko
Stories & Songs
Task Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary

Discussion Questions for the book Romeo Riley How do you feel about the principal's office getting TP'd? Was it funny? How did Principal Prim feel? When Gabby reached in Mr. Prim's pocket and took the note Riley did not tattle. Why not? Did he do the right thing? Riley needed a distraction to sneak into the girls; bathroom. Did he send his food flying on purpose? Was this a good plan? What else could he have done? What is an automatic door release? Do all doors have one? What did Riley do when the door was closed? Riley talks about what really matters in life. What matters to you? Can you name some big and small problems? When Riley opened the office door everyone yelled surprise. Why? How did Riley feel? What was your favorite part of the story? How could the story end differently?