I Can Wait

waiting social story

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Amanda McKinney
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

I can wait at school I have to wait my turn. When I Wait my body should be calm and I should sit quietly. At circle time I raise my hand and wait my turn to talk. When my teacher is talking to someone else I say "excuse me" and wait until she is ready. On the playground I can wait until it is my turn. If someone else is on the swing I can wait until they are finished. If someone else is on the slide I can wait until they are finished before I can slide down. At Speech Therapy I can sit and wait for my turn to talk. I do not yell and scream. I can play with a fidget while I wait. I can ask to set a timer until it is my turn. Waiting is a very important skill. When I wait quietly it is telling others that I respect them and that makes us all feel good. My friends and teachers do not like when I am Interrupting. I make everyone happy when I can wait my turn!