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Beatrice Engwall
Feelings & Emotions
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Adult

Frustrated! I have many feelings like happy sad scared surprised. Frustrated is a feeling too. I feel frustrated when things don't go my way. Like when my block tower crashes down. I feel frustrated when I can't do something I try to do. Frustrated is not the same as mad. I get mad when someone takes something from me or hurts me. I get frustrated when I try to tie my shoes and I can't. I get frustrated when someone messes up the toys I put together. I get frustrated when people do not understand what I am saying. I don't yell or hit when I get frustrated. It makes other people and me sad when I yell or hit. When I get frustrated I can say "stop frustrated " and take a belly breathe. I keep my hands to myself and take my belly breathes until I feel better. I can ask for help when I am frustrated. I can tell my friend or my teacher I am frustrated. I can take a break in the quiet spot when I am frustrated. I have many ways to feel better when I am frustrated and my teacher can help me too!