My Feelings Book

This book was created for a 3 year old who response to everything with angry.  This will teach the child what upset looks like, what feeling he has, and how to make good choices.  

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Michaela Brisch
Feelings & Emotions
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

My FEELINGS book For ________________ Sometimes I fall down and get hurt. I feel sad. My body hurts. I need to stop and take a deep breath. Then I can make good choices. I can hug an adult. I can ask for a band-aid. I can go to the Safe Place to rest and calm. Sometimes a friend takes a toy from me. I feel mad. I was playing with that toy. I can say Give it back. I can get an adult to help me. Sometimes I have to go to the bathroom. I feel sad. I don't want to stop playing. Then I need to stop and take a deep breath. I can make good choices. I can take a toy to the bathroom and set it on the floor. I can play a game to beat the timer. I can get a sticker when I am done using the bathroom. Sometimes I get upset and have lots of different feelings. Then I can think of good choices. I can do it! I can take deep breaths to calm and make good choices.