Center Time Book

Book made for a child that has difficulty following rules at center time. 

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Michaela Brisch
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Center Time Book When the teacher says it is my turn to go to centers I get my name Card. I pick one center. I check into the center by putting my name on the sign. During center time I share toys with friends. If I want a toy I use words. I can say "Can I have a turn?" I can offer a toy and ask my friend "Do you want to trade?" If I need help during center time or want to change centers I ask a teacher for help. I need to clean up at least 5 toys before I can leave a center. When I move around the room I use walking feet to keep my friends and me safe. When center time is done I need to help my friends clean up toys. When I am done cleaning up I put my name card away so I can play tomorrow. When center time is over I sit at circle. My teacher will tell me what activity is next.