/s/ and /z/ ALL Positions Cards

/s/ and /z/ all positions cards.

Jenna Bains
Articulation & Phonology
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

/s/ and /z/ all positions cards see sit sing sick soup sour soda silly sunny sorry Super salad seven sewing soccer cereal circle submarine scientist soap sock salt sad saw city seahorse sailboat C baseball bicycle pencil dinosaur bracelet Castle eraser grasshopper glasses ice cream messy listen whistle possum racing dressy bus horse dice juice dress ice Mouse house grass goose octopus S zoo zip zig-zag zero zebra zombie Z Zone scissors lizard present desert puzzle wizard pretzel Freezer pizza bulldozer daisy music rose nose bees cheese eyes toys freeze maze shoes buzz is ears /s/ and /z/ /s/ /z/ artic cards