Yoga memory card game

Play as a matching game or as a turn taking partner game.  Yoga poses:  human figures depicting some common poses with nature/other imagery for poses that can be done more imaginatively or in conjunction with yoga experience.  Sunrise/sunset is basic breathing in/out with arms beginning at sides, inhaling up, arms above head, exhaling arms down to side.  Pretzel is a seated twist.  Rainbow can be a standing wide legged forward bend with hands together touching one foot and "drawing a rainbow" to other foot by standing up and arching over to other foot, or seated as a spinal extension/flexion, looking up to sky and imagining each color. Rock is child's pose. Turtle is another seated forward bend. If you don't know a matching pose for the picture, encourage the child to come up with a shape/movement.


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Hollie Marron
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary

Yoga memory card game Yoga memory game Low Plank side plank shark forward fold Rocking Egg upward plank Cobra High Plank boat Balloon Breath Mountain Sunrise-Sunset bridge airplane Peace breath rainbow tree turtle dolphin rock waterfall volcano pretzel river