Getting My Body Clean

Sequence story of getting my body clean.

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Kelly Fladvid
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Getting My Body Clean I will need soap and a washcloth shampoo towel First I wet my hair then I use shampoo to wash wash my hair. I use my hands to scrub and make the shampoo lather into foam. next I rinse my hair until all of the soap is out. now I will use the soap and washcloth to wash my face. Next I use the soap and washcloth to wash my chest... arms.... and armpits. Then I use the soap and washcloth to wash my back. I reach as far as I can. I use the soap and washcloth to wash my legs... and feet. lastly I use the soap and washcloth to wash my private parts. When all the soap is rinsed off I use a towel to dry my body. When I am finished drying my body I hang the towel up so it can dry.