Stay with Adult at School

This social story may help a preschooler who runs away or out of the classroom.  The child can write their name on the first page.  

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Michaela Brisch
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Stay with Adult at School Stays with an Adult at School When I Am in the Hallway I will stay in line following an adult. When I am at breakfast or lunch I will will stay at the table with an adult. playground When I am on the playground I will play with my friends and adults. When I am in the classroom I will stay at group time or at centers with my friends and an adult. I will NOT run away. I will NOT leave the classroom. When I run away I could get lost. I could get hurt. A stop sign means STOP my feet. Sometimes I get mad or bored in school. Sometimes the classroom is too loud or I feel like running. Running away is not safe. I will not run away from an adult. If an adult says STOP I will need to listen and make good choices. I can go to the Safe Place to breath and calm. I can ask an adult for help. Adults care about me and keep me safe at school. I can help keep myself safe by staying with adults at school.