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ART Materials 2.25"

Step 1: PRINT two pages of this document

Step 2: CUT  using one of the printed pages, Individually cut out each picture box , they will be used like a sticker. 

Step 3: LAMINATE  the individual picture cards you cut out in the previous step. These will be used as the "sticker" or "Picture Identification Card."

*** Leave sufficient space for cutting *** (1/4"  between each cut picture card will ensure a proper seal post lamination and cutting  for continuous use.

*** Insufficient space during lamination results in insufficient space for cutting, this comprimises the durability  of each card  Insufficient space can contribute to premature splitting of the lamination sheet and the printed paper which may happen due to continuous use. 

Step 4: LAMINATE the remaining printed page, this will be the template or background the individual picture cards will be matched to. 

Step 5: CUT out only the cards 

Step 6:  VELCRO (Clear velcro dots will be optimal for matching purposes.  I would recommend putting hard velcro on the "template" or the "background" and putting the soft velcro on the individual picture cards. 


27 Pictures Load All

Load these pictures into your tray to recreate and customize this material.

Janaina Ochoa
Colors & Shapes
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

ART Materials 2.25" Picture cards pens Pencils scissors crayons colored pencils tape glue Expo Markers Highlighter sharpie paintbrush paper beads paint Pipe Cleaners playdough paper clip Stapler eraser clip Pushpins sticky note Hole Puncher stamps