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Inclement Weather Day Social Story

Inclement Weather Day Social Story

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Sara Morrison
Books and Stories
Primary, Intermediate, Secondary

Inclement Weather Day Social Story book We stay safe at school. Many things keep us safe. We wear seatbelt in the car to help keep us safe. Just like you practice karate or speech to get better. We have drills to know what to do in an emergency. What types of weather do you know about? A tornado is a bad storm that swirls. In a tornado drill We duck and cover. Do we scream? No! We stay quiet. In a thunderstorm there may be lightning. We have to stay away from windows. In a flood there may be water on the roads and in our yards. In a bad storm It's not safe for a school bus to drive to school. It's not safe for your parent to drive to school. If it snows the roads might get icy! We might have to stay home and do school from our computers instead. Or we might get the day off! Listen to the weather reporters on TV and the radio to tell you what to do.