
A little book to help children leave their favorite blanket at home...


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Toniann Alter
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

book This is my special blanket. Before I go to school I can put my blanket someplace safe. I can leave it on my bed so I will have it when I go to sleep. I can leave it at my house so I can have it when I get home. I can leave it in mommy's car so it will be there when Mommy picks me up after school. I can't take my blanket to school. I have lots to do at school and my blanket can't come with me... I can play with friends. I go outside to recess and my blanket would get dirty. I go to the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch and Blankets aren't allowed. I sit in circle for read aloud math letters and blanket can't come to circle. I love my blanket but blankets can't come to school.