I Can Poo in the Toilet Room

Social Story about pooing in the toilet room/ toilet.

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Tarin McElroy
Visual Schedules
Books and Stories
Early Childhood

I Can Poo in the Toilet Room I'm not worried! I can poo in the toilet room! Everyone poos. It's good to poo Poo is stinky if we poo in our undies Poo goes into the toilet so that it is not stinky. Everyone likes it when I smell good. If I need to poo and try to stop it I poop in the toilet room. Mum or dad tell me to go or I can say when I need to go. I can poo in my pull-up or even better..... I can poo right into the toilet!! My mum and dad like it when I go to the toilet room to poo. Then I can put a pull-up on or I can sit on the toilet. on the floor or the best thing I could do is sit on the toilet! I can sit on the toilet! I'm not scared! I can sit on the toilet and sing some songs or read my "I Can Poo In the Toilet Room" book. I will try to poo for 3 minutes. If I can't poo this time I will put the pull-up away and put my clothes on. If it's dirty... I did a poo! Now poo goes into the toilet. That's where it belongs. Carefully I put the poo in the toilet. Flush the poo away I'll wipe by bum clean using the wipes. Now I can put my undies on. Pooing in the toilet room I can ask my mom or dad.