The Very Hungry Caterpillar

'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' story questions with visual choices.

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Amy Lefebvre
Stories & Songs
Question Cards
Early Childhood, Primary

The Very Hungry Caterpillar At what time of day did the caterpillar hatch out of the egg? morning night winter What was the first thing the caterpillar did after he hatched? looked for food went swimming Went to sleep What was the first thing the caterpillar ate? banana apple Plum What did the caterpillar eat after he ate the lollipop? cheese orange cherry pie What cold food did the caterpillar eat? ice cube popsicle ice cream cone How did the caterpillar feel after he ate all the food? tired happy sick What was the very last thing the caterpillar ate? leaf cookies Why did the caterpillar get so big? From sleeping from eating from exercising What did the caterpillar build? table house cocoon How did the caterpillar get out of the cocoon? with knife with scissors nibbled his way out What did the caterpillar turn into at the end of the story? bug butterfly caterpillar