obstacle course visuals

visuals for LPG obstacle course binder

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LPG Volunteer
Autism Support & Behavior Strategies
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

obstacle course visuals Picture cards Ball+Push-Ups All+Done trampoline dribble Bounce+on+ball catch crabwalk bearwalk Duck+Walk Hold+Ball Hop+on+1+foot Hop+with+2+feet Jumping+Jacks jumprope kick Tall+kneel Half+Kneel push-up sit-up swing Balance+beam tunnel superman Therapy+Swing Walk+A+Figure+Eight Modified+Push+up burpees Wheelbarrow+Walk balance circle arms Dab grapevine stepping hamstring stretch heel walk backward heel walk foreward jumping jack Quadruped Lift chest press Sensory Steam Roller hula hoop Crash Pad