He She They Double sided cards

Print double sided flip on short edge

He-She-They subject pronoun cards

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Noreen Buchanan
Grammar & Semantics
Playing Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

He She They Double sided cards he she they girl.....flowers people.....argue people.....hug children......fight man.....binoculars girl.....chop girl.....firefly boy.....sleeping bag girl.....balloon man.....juggle people.....parade people.....roller coaster lady.....tight rope boy.....sandwich people.....dinner boy.....dinner girl.....dinner girl.....drink boy.....drink girl.....eat boy.....eat people.....grocery shopping children.....lunch girl.....brush girl.....catch boy.....catch children.....jump rope children.....playing children.....see saw girl.....swing boy.....swing people.....talking people.....hold hands