Potty Training Story

Potty Training Story

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Sheryl Dudley
Pragmatic Language
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Potty Training Story I am a big boy! Big boys use the toilet. Sometimes I feel like I need to use the potty. I try to tell mommy or daddy "I have to go potty." Mommy and daddy will be happy I told them. I Walk to the Bathroom Then I go potty. I might pee. I might poop. I might do both. Mommy and daddy will be happy I put my pee and poop in the potty. If I poop I wipe my bottom. I might have to ask for help. That's ok. Then I flush and fix my pants. and then I wash my hands. I keep my underwear dry by using the potty. It makes me feel happy. Mommy and daddy are proud of me for being a big boy! toilet potty boy training social story Social Story