
Complete the Analogy cards

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Jenna Bains
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Analogies A cat is SOFT a rock is... hard. Ice Cream is cold soup is... hot. A cheetah is fast a turtle is... Slow. An elephant is big a mouse is... small. A couch goes INSIDE a tree goes... outside. You wash your hands with SOAP you dry your hands with... A TOWEL. A hat goes on your HEAD shoes go on your... and feet. When you are hungry you EAT when you are tired you... Sleep. A princess is a GIRL a prince is a... Boy. An apple is red and a banana is... is yellow. A cupcake is SWEET a lemon is... sour. A tree is tall a mushroom is... short You taste with your MOUTH You smell with your... nose. You stick paper together with GLUE you cut paper apart with... scissors. You paint with a PAINTBRUSH You color with... crayons. A Cow says "moo" the pig says... "OINK". A fish will SWIM a bird will... fly