I Can Pee at School

This is a story to help students that do not pee in the toilet at school.

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Sarah Medrano
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary

I Can Pee at School book I Can Pee on the Toilet at School! Everyone goes to the potty everyday. Big boys and girls go potty in the toilet. When I feel in my body that I need to do a poo or pee I will stop whatever I am doing. I will go to the bathroom right away. I might need help. I will ask a teacher to help me go. I will ask "Potty Please!" I won't pee or poo in my pants. This is messy and doesn't feel nice. My teacher might tell me to go to the bathroom. If they do I will try to do a pee or poo. In the bathroom I will pull down my pants and underwear. I will sit on the toilet. Now I am ready to do a pee or poo! Mommy or Daddy will stay with me. When I'm Finished I will wipe my bottom. Next I will pull up my underwear and pants. Then I will flush the toilet. The toilet may make a swishing sound. It may spray water on the seat. That is ok. Now it's time to wash my hands! My teachers are happy that I went to the bathroom! I am happy too. Now I can go back and play. Using the toilet at school keeps my clothes dry. I don't like wet clothes so I will use the toilet when I need to pee.