Pre-k home-school routine

Pre-k home-school routine

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Sharon Awichen
Visual Schedules
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Pre-k home-school routine Picture cards I+am+going+To+School wake get dressed dress-up drive I+will+walk+into+school+and+meet+my+teacher. hold hands hang up backpack My+teacher+will+sit+with+us+and+tell+us+about+our+day. There+will+be+lots+of+things+to+do+in+my+classroom. play draw playdough Get A Book recess snack My+teacher+will+read+us+a+story. hang hug I+will+go+back+home+and+tomorrow+I+will+go+back+to+school+for+another+day_ can brush teeth