The Laundry Room

Story addresses safety and use of laundry room and supplies.

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ann okeeffe
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

The Laundry Room In our house we have a utility room.It has a washer and dryer in it.The utility room is not a safe place to play. When our clothes get dirty we need to wash them. First we put them in the laundry basket.Then mom takes them to the utility room to be cleaned. There is a cupboard above the washer. This is not safe for children to get into. It is only for adults to open. Inside the cupboard are bottles of cleaning supplies.They are not safe for children to touch. Mom also has Laundry soap in the cupboard. She uses the soap to clean our clothes. When the clothes are done washing it is time to put them in the dryer. They are wet and heavy. Mom needs help moving the clothes. I like to help put the clothes into the dryer. When the clothes are dry it is time to put them into a basket to fold.I help pull them out of the dryer.Then I help fold them. After Mom and I are done folding the clothes we put them away in the drawers. I like helping with laundry. I remember not to get into the cupboards or play in the utility room. I feel proud when I follow the rules and help mom.