Talking and Listening to Others

Social Story Listening and Talking 


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Wanda Shinaman
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Talking and Listening to Others I like to talk but I also need to listen. It is fun to share stories. It’s okay to talk to others when it’s my turn. I can talk when there's a pause in the conversation. Sometimes I get excited to share my stories but it is rude to talk over others. Talking when others are talking could make people mad. When other people are talking I listen. I can show I’m listening by looking into the person’s eyes who is talking. I can also show I’m listening by facing the person who is talking and not interrupting them. I can nod my head when they are talking and say things like “yeah” or “okay ” to show I understand. If I show that I’m listening and wait to share my stories people will like talking to me more.