I Can Share


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Naomi Carmel
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

I can share Sharing with Friends and Family I have friends at school that I like to play with and family and friends I play with at home. We love to play to together! I have toys I like and my friends have toys they like. Sometimes I want my friends toys. I can ask them if I can play with the toy. I need to use a nice quiet voice even when I'm upset. I can look at them when I ask. Then I need to wait for my friend to answer. I must keep my hands to myself and only use my words. I must be safe and not throw toys. I cannot take the toy from my friend. I have to wait. We take turns playing with toys. Now it is your turn. Now it is my turn. I can make the right choice!! I like sharing with my friends.