Mother & Father

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jennifer howe
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Mother & Father superhero My mom is a Superhero cape My dad is a Superhero flower I want to celebrate their day. candy I can give them candy breakfast I Can Make Breakfast picnic We can go on a Picnic pretty I hope it is a pretty day. clean room I can clean my room Hang Clothes I can Hang my Clothes Mow I can Mow the grass. Pick up clothes I can Pick Up my Clothes Take Out Trash I can Take Out the Trash rest That way my Mom and Dad can rest. relax It is their day to Relax happy Then my mom will be Happy! Then my dad will be Happy! I love my mom I LOVE MY MOM! I love my dad I love my Dad! Every Year May is my Mom's month. June is my Dad's month.