Speech Therapy

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jennifer howe
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

speech therapy To Speak we need a Brain We need Ears to listen We need Lips to make sounds We need lungs to help us make our sounds and to say our words We need out Mouth to make sounds and say words. Our Nose helps us make certian sounds like m N -ing Out Tongue helps us make many sounds and vowels like r L th S Out Vocal Folds contol how our voice sounds and the volume It is important that we are quiet at times when we are in speech or in a conversation It is always a good idea to Think Before Talking Some kids use AAC also known as speaking devices to talk for them when we talk we usualy are having a Conversation when we talk to others we need to make Eye Contact When we come to speech we might be by ourselves or in a group Speech Therapy helps me to talk speech Therapy helps me to listen with my Ears It also helps me Ignore things that I might hear so I can pay attention. I like working in Speech. It is easier for me to talk to others about what they are talking about. It is easier for me to look at others when we are talking If I start to feel stressed my Speech Therapist reminds me to breathe. So that I am calm. It is easier to talk when I am calm If I am too wiggly it is hard for people to listen to me. I feel good about talking to others even people I meet for the first time. I can say "hi" and "bye" I can ask them questions. I can stay calm. I can say "Excuse me" when I want to interrupt politely I can focus. I can make friends. I know that I am doing a Good Job in Speech.