Intruder Alert Safety

Teaching students about what to expect during an intruder alert.

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Lindsey Anderson
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Intruder Alert Safety We can stay safe at our school. We practice safety drills so we know what to do when it is unsafe. If there are unsafe strangers in our school we will have an intruder alert. When there's an intruder alert we will hear a really loud alarm. There will also be a loud voice saying "Intruder Alert!" We need to stay calm; it is not okay to scream or yell. We should listen to our teacher and follow their directions. Our voices should be at a level zero. If we are in MAPE we will listen to our MAPE teachers. If we are in the halls we should run into the closest classroom. If we are in the bathroom we can stay there to hide. We should lock the stall door and stand on the toilet. In our Classroom we will lock the door. We will also turn the lights off. We can block the door with desks and chairs. We can crouch on the ground to stay safe. Sometimes our teacher might have us go under a table. This is how we stay safe during an intruder alert. It keeps us safe from unsafe strangers. We need to be quiet the whole time. If a friend is talking we should remind them to be quiet. There might be banging on our door. It is not okay to open the door during an intruder alert even if someone is knocking. It might be noisy in the hall but we need to stay quiet. We don't know how long it will take. We will have to be patient. Our classroom should stay dark and quiet. Police will come to our school to help us. Police officers help keep kids and adults safe. If a police officer comes into our room we need to listen closely. The police officer might have us leave and go somewhere else. We should walk quietly in a line and stay with our class. Police officers and teachers are here to keep us safe! Our school can be safe during an intruder alert.