Appropriate words

Social story about having a conversation with oneself that may have inappropriate words.

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Aimee Cellana
Autism Support & Behavior Strategies
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Appropriate words At lunch time many people are having conversations. A conversation is when two people are talking with one another. At the lunch table it loud enough to hear what other people are talking about. Sometimes I am talking out loud but not to anyone sitting by me. Other people can still hear me even though I am not talking to them. Sometimes I repeat inappropriate words I have heard on tv. Inappropriate words can shock other people! I need to remember that these words are not ok to use at school. I need to make a good choice when my teacher tells me I'm using inappropriate words. I need to STOP think and listen to what my teacher is telling me. Using appropriate words are part of following the rules at school.