Adjectives Bingo

Everyone loves Bingo! A set of 8 unique Bingo cards that have the adjectives "soft, hard, cold, hot, loud, sticky, and sharp" on them in 2-3 repetitions. I use a deck of pictures of common objects and ask the group/class which adjective best describes the object. For higher level students, you can just give the word verbally. You can adjust the complexity level by using words that run from very concrete and obvious to ones that are more obscure. I laminate these cards and use magnetic chips and wands for maximum fun. You can also have them use dry erase markers and work in some following directions by giving a command such as "Circle the one that is ___" or "X the one that is _____".

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Pamela Williams
Grammar & Semantics
Bingo Games
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Adjectives Bingo soft Hard loud hot cold sticky sharp