I Can Follow the Rules at School

Social Story for following rules at school.

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Charlotte Hardesty
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary

I can follow the rules at school My teacher is nice. She is in charge at school. She tells us the rules. It is important that everyone follows the rules at school. Sometimes I am supposed to stay in my seat and do my work. We have carpet time when I sit with the other kids on the carpet. We have rules to follow during Center Time so that everyone gets a turn. Sometimes I work at a table with other kids. We have to follow the rules for walking in the hallway so that we all stay safe. If I don't follow the rules my teacher will be frustrated or even angry. the other students will be confused and upset. the other kids in my class can't learn. When I do my work Follow the rules everyone feels good at school. My teacher is proud of me. She is happy because I am following the rules. The other children feel comfortable. They can learn when we all follow the rules. I can earn extra time on the computer. I can earn prizes when I follow the rules at school.