Active Shooter Drill Social Story

How to understand and feel more relaxed about an Active Shooter Drill

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Gabi Berlin
Curriculum & Instruction
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Active Shooter Drill Social Story Active Shooter Social Story Staying Safe in School In school we practice what we should do if there is a fire. We also practice what to do if there is dangerous weather. This keeps us safe. We don't think there will be a fire or bad weather. But this way we will know what to do if one happens. We also practice what to do if there is a shooter in the building. We decide to run away or lock our doors. This might make us feel worried or scared. We can calm down by thinking that this is only a practice. We can breathe slowly and count to calm down. It might also feel good to tell an adult we are nervous. They can make us feel better. Active shooters are rare but we prepare just in case. Our police officer is also here to keep us safe.