Initial K sound graph - Graphs

use with Initial K die pictures.  Kids roll the die, name the picture on top, find it on the graph and color in one square.  The game moves fast and you get lots of productions.  We take 20 turns. Also targets fine motor for coloring and you can assign a color to each word so the little guys can also work on color recognition/naming.  At the end of 20 turns, we count how many of each, practice identification or writing numbers and then talk about math concepts like "most", "least", and the "same".  With lesson pix you can modify for any sound tagets and use characters in a story or Halloween words, etc.

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Theresa Ruth
Articulation & Phonology
Graphing Sheets
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Initial K sound graph - Graphs initial k graphing multisyllable initial k