Beginning, Middle, and End

These are three pictures of a train: engine, car, and caboose.

I use these as placemats for sorting picture cards into beginning, middle, and end.

I have the students sort picture cards....

- Objects: car, train, horse, etc.

- Scenes from a story

- Science life cycles: seed, sprout, plant or catepillar, crysalis, butterfly

- Letter of the week: (Where is the T? - tan, ate, bat) 

- Letter sound: (Where do you hear the hs sound? - ship, ocean, rash)

3 Pictures Load All

Load these pictures into your tray to recreate and customize this material.

Lori Binko
Alphabet & Reading
One Page Pictures
Early Childhood, Primary

beginning in middle end Untitled One Page Picture train train car caboose sorting