Beverage Fringe Board

Beverage board for use with core vocabulary board.

Cheryl Lyons
Alternative & Augmentative Communication
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Beverage Fringe Board coffee cup cups cup (sippy) cup with straw drink drink/koolaid Drinks hot cocoa iced coffee/tea ice cubes Icee juice (bag) Juice (Box) juice (glass) lemonade lid marshmallows milk (chocolate) milk (strawberry) milk (white) Milkshake (chocolate) Milkshake (Strawberry) milkshake (vanilla) pop/soda (bottle) pop/soda (can) pop/soda (cup w/straw) pop/soda (glass) slushy straw takeout cup tea water Whipped Cream apple apricot berry blueberry cherry grape orange pineapple prune veggie drink (from fountain) pour spill thirsty full empty red yellow green blue purple pink