Solving a Problem

Solving a Problem

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Christine Trumpour
Feelings & Emotions
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Solving a Problem Sometimes I Feel Sad like when I can't find my glove or I have to come inside from the playground. Sometimes I feel mad like when I want something but a teacher says "no" or "wait." Sometimes I feel frustrated like when something that I am doing feels really hard. Sometimes I feel confused like when I am not sure what to do next. Sometimes I feel sick or hurt. I may have a stomachache or a headache. There are lots of things I can do to help myself feel better again. When I need to calm down I can take a deep breath and count to 10. I can also ask for a hug. I like getting hugs from my teachers and friends. When I Feel Upset I can ask a teacher to help me. It is also very important that I tell my teachers how I am feeling and what happened. My teachers want to help me so they need to know what happened and how it made me feel. When I use these strategies I can calm down and get help to solve my problem. I will feel much better again. I will feel proud of myself and my teachers will be proud of me too!