Nobody Hugs A Cactus- Question Cards

Here are comprehension questions to ask while reading "Nobody Hugs a Cactus" book by Carter Goodrich. These questions are open-ended for discussion. Most questions begin with "why" or "how". 

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Lori Binko
Stories & Songs
Task Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate

Nobody Hugs A Cactus- Question Cards Nobody Hugs A Cactus How does Hank describe the desert? When Rosie says "Hi Hank isn't it a beautiful day?" why does Hank ignore her? How does Hank respond when the tortoise says hello? Why does the jackrabbit call Hank Prickles? Was the jackrabbit being mean when he called Hank "Prickles"? What does the coyote mean when he says “YOU are as prickly on the inside as you are on the outside”? What does the cowboy mean when he says “seems to me somebody needs a hug"? When Hank tells the lizard he doesn't want a hug do you think he's telling the truth? Does the lizard want to hug Hank? What does the owl mean when he says "you must be joking!" Why does Hank feel lonely after the owl doesn't hug him? Why couldn't Hank get the cup off of his face? When the cup gets stuck on Hank why does he say "great"? Why would Rosie help Hank who ignored her and was grumpy? How did Hank feel after Rosie helped him? What does Hank do to say Thank-you to Rosie? What does Rosie do when she sees the flower? Does Hank like the hug from Rosie? What happens when Rosie hugs Hank? If a friend is feeling like a cactus and doesn’t want a hug what can you do to cheer them up?