William's Story About Germs

social story about germs and thumb sucking

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Megan Boothe
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

William's Story About Germs Germs are in my classroom. Germs are in bathrooms. Germs are in kitchens. Germs are in my bedroom. Germs are on all of my favorite things. Germs Are Everywhere! I can NOT see germs. Only Scientists and Doctors can see germs in a microscope. When I use my hands I touch germs. When I put my hands in my mouth I get germs in my body. Germs can make my body sick. I need to have dry thumbs so germs will not get in my body. I need to wash my hands to get rid of germs. Clean and Dry hands and thumbs will keep me healthy and strong. germs Thumb sucking nhrec