My Voice

My Voice - Use the 5 point scale and visuals to teach volume. Edit to change the rules for what happens when the student yells, where they go,and what they do to calm down and get back into class. 

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Amanda Zimmer
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

My Voice When I talk in school I use an inside voice. I check my voice on the voice scale. My inside voice is 3. 1 is a very quiet voice like a whisper. 2 is a quiet voice that only people near me can hear. 2 is a good voice for asking for help. 5 is a very loud voice like a yell. 4 and 5 are too loud for talking in the classroom. I do not yell at school. When I yell it hurts my friends' ears. I do not get what I want when I yell. When I yell I have to go into the hallway. I can breathe to calm my body. When I am ready to use an inside voice I can go back to class. I can check my voice on the voice scale and use an inside voice at school.