What Should You Say or Do?

Task cards for stating solutions to problems at school or home. 

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Charlotte Hardesty
Social Skills
Task Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

What Should You Say or Do? Your neighbor says "Hey I like your haircut." You need a pair of scissors. Your classmate is using them. You don't understand how to do your school work. You just found out it is your friend's birthday. Your friend just got back from a trip far away. What could you ask him? You just saw your friend playing with matches. What should you do? You want to join a group of kids playing on the playground. Your friend is scared of your dog. You want to get to know the new kid in class. You don't want to play the game your friend wants to play. You feel yourself getting angry in class. You are making something. Another student messes up your creation.